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Cookie Preferences Menu


This is the advanced feature of cookie consent plugin. You can show the checkboxes which will allow the user to choose cookie types. Based on the selection, you can inject the necessary scripts in the of your document/index.html. Read the documentation for more information.

Cookie Notice Pro allows you to inject Analytics(eg: Google Analytics Script), Preferences(eg: Language, Remember Passwords, etc) or Marketing(eg: Google Adwords cookie, DoubleClick, Remarketing pixels) related cookies only if user accepts the preferences. Once the user accepts the preferences, the scripts in head of document will work.

Example: Change below selection to true, then click gear icon in the popup banner and check preferences then click accept.

Withdraw Consent


Cookie Notice Pro provides various methods to interact with the plugin more effectively. One of them is cookieNoticePro.reinit(); It is used to re-initialize the plugin. It re-opens the popup banner with previously accepted preferences. It can be used for withdrawal of a particular type(analytics,marketing,etc) of consent or accepting a new preference item in menu.

Cookie Notice Pro Customization Options

Google Consent Mode v2 Support

Integrates with Google Consent Mode version 2 for advanced tracking and analytics consent management.

Option to Minimize Cookie Consent Banner

Enables users to minimize the cookie consent banner, improving user experience while ensuring accessibility.

Option to Withdraw Consent

Enables users to withdraw consent as per GDPR guidlines.

Custom Scripts Injection on Consent Accept

Defines custom script actions to be executed upon user consent acceptance, enabling dynamic content loading or analytics tracking.

Custom Actions on Consent Reject/Decline

Specifies actions to take when users reject or decline cookie consent, ensuring respect for user preferences.

Primary Color of Popup Banner

Sets the primary color theme of the cookie consent popup banner, enhancing the visual harmony with your website.

Dark Theme Color

Defines the dark theme color, offering a sleek and modern appearance for the consent popup in dark mode.

Light Theme Color

Sets the light theme color, ensuring a bright and inviting look for the consent popup in light mode.

Theme Mode

Allows selection between light or dark theme modes, catering to user preference or time of day.

Visibility of Cookie Icon

Toggle the visibility of the cookie icon, allowing for a more customizable presentation of the consent interface.

Preference Settings Button Visibility

Configures the visibility of the preference settings button, offering users more control over their consent preferences.

Popup Close Icon Visibility

Determines whether the popup close icon is visible, allowing users to easily dismiss the consent banner.

Cookie Decline Button Visibility

Controls the visibility of the cookie decline button, providing a straightforward option for users to reject non-essential cookies.

Full Width Popup Banner

Enables a full-width presentation of the popup banner, ideal for top or bottom screen positions for maximum visibility.

Default State of Setting Checkboxes

Sets the initial checked state of setting checkboxes, streamlining the consent process for users.

Popup Display Position

Allows selection of the popup's display position on the screen (top, right, bottom, left), enhancing layout flexibility.

Settings Button Label Customization

Customizes the text label of the settings button, enabling a more personalized call to action.

Popup Delay

Configures the delay before the popup appears, allowing for a tailored user experience.

Cookie Expiry

Sets the duration for which the consent remains valid, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.

Title of Popup Banner

Defines the title text of the cookie consent banner, offering clarity and context to users.

Description Message in Popup Banner

Customizes the message within the popup, detailing the use of cookies and privacy policy.

Accept Cookie Button Text

Modifies the text on the accept button, allowing for localized or specific call-to-action language.

Decline Cookie Button Text

Changes the text on the decline button, providing clear options for user consent.

More Info Button Link

Specifies the URL for the 'More Info' button, directing users to your privacy policy or cookie information page.

More Info Button Label

Customizes the label for the 'More Info' button, ensuring it fits within your site's language and style.

Title for Cookie Preferences Options

Sets the title for the cookie preferences section, guiding users in their consent choices.

Label for Necessary Cookies

Defines the label for necessary cookies, clarifying their essential role for website functionality.

Description for Necessary Cookies

Provides a description for necessary cookies, informing users about their non-negotiable nature.

Custom Title for Adjust Preferences Option

Allows for a custom title for the option to adjust preferences, enhancing the user's understanding and control over their choices.

Preferences, Marketing, and Analytics Cookies Descriptions

Details the purpose and use of preferences, marketing, and analytics cookies, aiding users in making informed decisions.

Plugin Features

Integrating it into your website is super easy
Some features are listed below


A light-weight jQuery plugin which does not affect the loading speed of your website

Dark/Light Mode Theme

Toggle between light/dark mode easily as per your the requirements of your website

Show OR Hide Elements

Hide or show any buttons, change texts, choose display position as per requirements

Google Consent Mode v2 New

Enhance user privacy with in-built Google Consent Mode v2 support.

Allow Necessary Cookies

Select which cookies are strictly necessary (functional) for your website to work properly

Consent Withdrawal

Methods available to re-open the cookie consent plugin banner to opt in or out at any time on any page

Inject Scripts

(Optional Feature) Inject Scripts in the HEAD the moment user provides consent or accepts

Browser Support

This plugin supports all the major web browsers like Chrome, Opera, Safari, FireFox, Edge including IE10+